Between multiple errands, school, work, and everything else that life throws your way, it's easy to feel like you aren’t as connected with your kids as you want to be. The perfect solution to this is quality time spent together.
Of the different ways that you can spend time with your family, few are as fun or as special as having a family night in. Everyone puts down their phones and you enjoy some activities together in your home - it really doesn’t get better than that!
As good as this sounds, the question is, where do you start with planning your night in? Don’t worry, this is the guide that you’ve been looking for. Keep reading to find out exactly how to organise the ultimate Saturday night in for the whole family.
Find the right time
First things first, you need a time when everyone can be together at the same time. With older kids, this may be tricky as they may have plans or things they need to do. Weekends are typically the easiest, especially Saturdays so find one that works for everyone.
Lay down some ground rules
Once you’ve agreed on a day that works for everyone, you need to lay down some ground rules. The good news is that you really don’t need many rules at all! If you do want to stick to anything, perhaps you do some time without phones so that everyone can be present.
Get family input
To ensure that everyone is excited and wants to get involved, ask them what they want to do! Perhaps everyone can choose one activity that you’ll do during the course of the evening? Or people can choose different things, such as your partner choosing the movie, one child choosing the game and the other choosing what you’ll have for dinner?
Theme or not to theme?
If you want to go the extra mile, you could always choose a theme that will dictate what you do. Keep in mind that this will have more of an appeal to younger children.
Top Family Night Ideas
Now comes the fun part - choosing your activities! Here are some of our favourite ideas to give you some inspiration:
Movie Marathon:
What’s better than one movie? Watching a few movies in a row! To host a movie marathon night, you’ll need a few things first. Firstly, a selection of movies. Get everyone to choose one or you can put everyone’s choices in a hat and draw them at random. Next, make it feel special - turn out the lights, get plenty of cushions and blankets, and make sure to have plenty of snacks like popcorn!
Cartoon Night:
A great way to bond with your kids is to enjoy some of their favourite activities with them and there are few things most kids enjoy more than watching cartoons. If you don’t want to watch them for an entire evening, don’t worry, you can some cartoons for babies and kids whilst you’re doing something else like getting dinner ready.
Treasure Hunt:
Looking for something with a bit of adventure? Why not plan a treasure hunt for you and the whole family? Start by coming up with a theme and deciding what treasure your family will search for. Next, you’ll need to decide how your treasure hunt will work - will it be a series of clues that need to be found? Or will you draw a cryptic map that points your family to a certain point in the house?
Once you’ve made these decisions, simply get everything ready and let the hunt begin! Be sure to have a special movie or some other related activity ready for once you’ve finished your treasure hunt.
Camping out in the yard
Camping in your backyard is a great way to have the fun of camping without leaving your house. Set up a proper tent or make your own shelter with supplies from your home, and get ready for a night sleeping under stars. If possible, you can even sit around a campfire - just make sure that is done safely.
Make your own pizza night
This is a great way to get everyone involved in the kitchen. You’ll need a few things first - bases, sauce for the bases, and a range of toppings that you and your family can choose from. For a low calories option, pitta bread is an excellent alternative to standard pizza bases. Get everyone together and see what creative flavour combinations you can come up with!
Build a fort
For a rainy day, few activities are more fun than building a fort. Gather everyone together in the family room and ask them to get materials from around the house. Then begin construction and ensure that your TV or some other screen can be viewed clearly. Once you’ve built the fort, ask everyone to get into their comfiest PJs and wait out the rain by watching a film together.
Whatever you choose to do for your family night in, you’ll be able to create lifelong memories for everyone by following the tips in this guide! Good luck and don’t forget the most important rule - have fun!