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End-of-summer tasks to prepare for back-to-school

As the lazy days of summer begin to wind down, it’s time to start thinking about getting your little ones ready for the new school year. While the transition from summer fun to school routines can be challenging, a little preparation can make all the difference. Here’s a guide to essential end-of-summer tasks to ensure your children are ready to hit the ground running when the school bell rings.

Re-establish Routines

One of the biggest challenges children face when returning to school is adjusting to the early mornings and structured schedules. During summer, bedtimes often become more relaxed, and mornings can start later. However, as the new school year approaches, it’s important to gradually re-establish a more structured routine.

Start by setting a regular bedtime and wake-up time, and slowly adjust it to match the school schedule. This will help your child’s body clock adjust, making the first week back at school less of a shock. Additionally, consider reintroducing some structure during the day by scheduling quiet time, reading, or educational activities to help ease the transition back to a learning environment.

Refresh School Supplies

There’s something undeniably exciting about new school supplies. From fresh notebooks to a sharp set of crayons, new supplies can help your child feel prepared and enthusiastic about the school year. Begin by taking stock of what you already have. Sort through last year’s supplies and determine what can be reused and what needs to be replaced.

Next, create a shopping list of necessary items. Involve your child in the process by letting them pick out a few special items, like a new backpack or lunchbox, which can help build excitement for the upcoming school year. Don’t forget to label everything with your child’s name to prevent items from getting lost or mixed up with classmates’ belongings.

Update Wardrobes

As children grow, it’s likely that last year’s school clothes no longer fit. Take some time to go through their wardrobe and sort out clothes that are too small or worn out. Make a list of what they’ll need for the upcoming school year, whether it’s new uniforms, shoes, or everyday clothes.

If your child wears a uniform, check with the school for any updates on dress codes or specific requirements. For those who don’t wear uniforms, consider buying a mix of comfortable and versatile pieces that can be easily mixed and matched. And don’t forget to purchase a sturdy pair of shoes that will last through the school year.

Organise a Study Space

A designated study area is essential for helping children focus on homework and school projects. If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to create or update your child’s study space. Ideally, this area should be quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions.

Stock the space with necessary supplies like pencils, paper, and a calendar for tracking assignments. Personalising the area with your child’s favourite colours or decorations can also make it a more inviting and motivating place to work.

Review Academic Skills

After a long summer break, it’s normal for children to feel a bit rusty when it comes to academic skills. To give them a head start, spend some time reviewing key concepts and subjects. This doesn’t have to be formal or tedious – try to incorporate learning into everyday activities.

For example, you could practice math by having your child help with cooking measurements or review reading skills by visiting the local library and picking out a few books. Educational apps and games can also be a fun way to brush up on skills in a more relaxed setting.

Plan Healthy Lunches and Snacks

Good nutrition is key to keeping your child energised and focused throughout the school day. Start by brainstorming and planning healthy lunch and snack options. Involve your child in the process by letting them help prepare meals or pick out their favourite healthy foods.

Consider creating a meal plan for the first few weeks of school to make mornings easier and ensure your child is eating a balanced diet. Prepping lunches and snacks the night before can also help streamline the morning routine and reduce stress.

Ease Back-to-School Anxiety

It’s common for children to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety about returning to school, especially if they’re starting at a new school or entering a higher grade. Talk to your child about their feelings and address any concerns they might have.

You can help ease their anxiety by driving by the school, meeting the teacher, or setting up a playdate with a classmate before the first day. Reassure them that it’s normal to feel nervous and that they’ll soon settle into the routine.

Create a Back-to-School Tradition

Starting a back-to-school tradition can help make the transition more special and less stressful. Whether it’s a special breakfast on the first day, taking a photo each year, or writing a letter with goals for the school year, these traditions can create positive associations with the start of school.


Preparing for the new school year doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By tackling these end-of-summer tasks, you can help ensure your child is ready for success. With routines re-established, supplies organised, and a positive mindset in place, your little ones will be set to embrace the new school year with confidence and enthusiasm.


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